Living a Life Full of Love

I've felt that I have learned a lot about love by just living. I have learned that in order to love others with full intent you must first love yourself fully. I have also come to recognize that love is merely the absence of judgement. As we are sinners, we have no space in our hearts to judge others, but rather, to love them. It is a good thing to ask ourselves, "what is my main intent"? Is it to love others in a Christ like way? Is it to teach others? Preach to others? What can I do that will not waste my talents, but allow them to grow humbly and justly? All of these things can be so scary to think about. But that is where love and trusting God's love for you takes control. The love of God is all we need. Sometimes I talk to God and ask him why me. What makes me so special that he would die for me? Have you had these thoughts too? If so, remember that he makes all things good and he makes no mistakes. Whatever you may think of yourself, remember that you are not a mistake and you are here for a reason. We may not know our reason for living, we may never know it but what we can be certain of is that God has created us for a reason. Living a life full of love and full of intent on bettering ourselves is all we can do. Whoever is reading this, I ask that you will walk with me in life not only loving others to the best of our abilities but seeing that we are worthy of love too.

What a life we live. Enjoy it,


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